Tuesday, January 31, 2006


First Rosa Parks, and now Coretta Scott King. It's been a sad stretch for important women in our history.

Coretta Scott King was classy, which is no surprise given the man she chose to live her life with. And strong, which was necessary, considering that life together was cut short so horribly.

It's not like I knew her personally, but I'll miss her. It always gave me comfort knowing there were women out there like her that I could point to and tell my daughters to emulate. I still can, of course, but knowing she's gone makes me grieve nonetheless.

Here's to you, Coretta. Thanks for living your life in a way that demonstrates what's really good about our race. The human race.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Detroit Rock City

Funny how something as simple as football can unify an entire nation. I mean, I realize not everybody actually cares for it. In fact, I think there are seven people in Utah I heard about who don't watch the Big Game.

Apparently I don't know those people. Apparently anyone I've ever known, gone to school with, run into at the grocery store one day or filled my prescription has decided I'm an invaluable friend that they'd like to reconnect with.

Perhaps I might even, say, get tickets to said Game for them!

Sorry gang, no dice. We're taking the phone off the hook sometime around Thursday. Call us in a few weeks.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today.

True that. Life is so short.

But over the past several days I've also found a great deal of value in doing nothing (or as little as possible). I have napped. I have watched movies. I have eaten delicious food and not exercised.

Granted, it's a new year and I'm supposed to be resolution-y. But I think my resolution might be about enjoying the moments more and worrying less. So far I'm on a roll.

A few remarks on my New Year's weekend:

* all-nighters spent laughing, drinking and playing movie trivia DVD games are way more fun than the college exam version
* white middle-aged women should only use the word "brother" when referring to a sibling
* Twisted Green Apple should be our official national beverage
* I am one lucky girl to have such amazing friends and family