Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Brothers and Sisters

I love stories like this . You just know Dick choked on his Special K when he first learned about it.

Families are like that--you never know what you're going to get, and being related truly is an accident of DNA.

That's why I like friends. You pick 'em.

Don't get me wrong; I love my family. But there are some people I'm related to that share no resemblance in any way, philosophically speaking.

Monday, October 08, 2007


There are typically at least 10 things in my email Inbox that fall under the category of "I'm not busy enough in my life, so I'm going to terrorize you with mindless crap".

My previous post is obviously a side effect resulting from all of these interruptions.

But this....this simple little YouTube link...has come to me from no less than 10 different people at all stages of their lives and circumstance.

It's a thing of beauty. Simple, yet poignant. Funny, and timeless. You don't have to be a mom, you just have to have HAD a mom, to enjoy it.

So instead of continuing to forward it to everyone on my contacts list, I will simply leave it here for your viewing pleasure.