Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Things I've Learned: Take 2

When I was flirting with 40, I jotted down some thoughts. People seemed to like them, and I was honored to have them published. As I squint at 50 in the windshield just ahead, I’m finding a few more that keep creeping into my consciousness. 

I’ve learned that home is where the heart is, but that isn’t always one spot.
I’ve learned that no matter how vile and insidious cancer might be, an indiscriminate nature is actually its worst quality.
I’ve learned that friendships are the family we choose. (I realize someone else said that…but I’ve honestly learned it.)
I’ve learned that love is a many blended thing.
I’ve learned that knowing oneself is a process, not a finite conclusion.
I’ve learned that I don’t like reality TV, plastic people or tabloid publications, but I’m a sucker for a great Netflix binge.
I’ve learned (FINALLY) that it’s okay to stop reading a bad book. Well, usually. Most of the time. Okay, maybe this needs to be on the nearly 60 lessons list, because I still feel compelled. 
I’ve learned that regularly laughing until I cry is a required activity for good mental health.
I’ve learned that a child’s joy transfers exponentially to her parents.
I’ve learned that it’s nearly impossible to be in a bad mood when surrounded by sunshine and blue skies.
I’ve learned that someone else’s pain is far and away the most difficult type to bear.
I’ve learned that politics might not be polite dinner conversation, but that rule is dumb.
I’ve learned that animals, music and sports are the world’s great unifiers. (Talk about those at dinner if you’re stuck on the politics.)
I’ve learned that some things are better left to the imagination.
I’ve learned that people are complex and multifaceted, and taking them at face value provides a limited view.
I’ve learned that happiness takes different forms in different seasons of life.
I’ve learned that men are from Mars, and I’ve clearly never been there.
I’ve learned that health is a gift, our bodies really are our temples and life is remarkably fleeting.
I’ve learned that while life is fleeting, some hours, of some days, in some chapters, are loonngg.
I’ve learned that it takes two to make a thing go right.
I’ve learned that the ability to see the glass half full is the single most effective life hack available.
I’ve learned that nostalgia and melancholy are not one in the same.
I’ve learned that hair grows back. Twice, even.
I’ve learned that I’m related to some of the best people ever born.
I’ve learned that while flawed, social media can be an excellent view into a person’s true character.
I’ve learned that body image has very little to do with what appears in the mirror.
I’ve learned that a young woman’s confidence is one of the most fragile, important intangibles in the world, and it needs constant nurturing.
I’ve learned that we should never, ever take a loved one for granted.
I’ve learned that having someone who loves you by your side is all the strength you’ll ever need.


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