Let's Go Crazy

Otherwise known as the world according to Jen
Several things go through your mind when you hear you have cancer.
First: "I have three little daughters. I need to be stickin' around for awhile."
Second: "I have three little daughters. Now they're at an increased risk. Crap."
Third: "I have three little daughters. They'll freak out if I lose my hair."
There's a pattern here, as you can see. The thoughts of myself only filtered in after those of my kids settled a bit.
You don't sleep. You DO eat, out of nervous energy. Then you feel sick. But you still eat.
As you read through endless booklets and forms and web sites, and visit countless specialists day after day, you have more thoughts.
Like: "I simply do not own enough nice underwear for this many people to see me naked."
And: "I wonder when this underlying, horrific, mind-numbing fear will push up through the veil of shock and autopilot demeanor?"
And also: "Wait. I didn't use my breasts enough yet. Seriously. Hold on a sec."
Big things like survival, chemo-induced menopause and the realization that you might not live to see your grandchildren are staggering.
But those thoughts are fleeting. Most of the time, in most ways, you simply focus on the task at hand. Getting well, as soon as possible. Putting this lousy chapter behind you. Getting back to some semblance of normalcy.
As I've told my friends, I'm certainly going to be OK. It's just an unpleasant road to travel between now and then.
I'll keep you updated.
Labels: breast cancer, mastectomy