The Devil Inside

I just read this book, after a long vacation from leisure reading. It was one of those great experiences where you fall asleep only after fighting it tooth and nail just so you can get to the end of a chapter, only to wake up again the next morning wondering when you'll be able to steal another hour to read more.
I haven't read much of Jodi Picoult's other works, except for My Sister's Keeper, which haunted me for days. I loved it, aside from the ending. Terrible ending. In any case, the way she gets into a teenager's mind in both of these books simply amazes me.
The entire premise (walking through the various stages of self-created hell) is told not just by explaining the story of the family's own sins, but also through a comic book version of their tribulations. (This complete with amazing graphic novel drawings by Dustin Weaver, who I'm told is a famous dude who does this stuff. I don't do comic books, gang. I skipped those pages, to be perfectly honest.)
But it's clever and smart and the rest of the story is filled with powerful twists and turns. Great way to get me back on the reading-for-fun bandwagon. It's been far too long.