Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap

Is it just me, or are men in powerful positions getting tossed out of the closet so fast, and so hard, that they're getting bruises all over their much-maligned asses?
Ted Haggard is an excellent example. When he stepped aside, he said it was for the "greater good" of his evangelical organization. Good and evangelical? Oxymoron.
Or, just moron.
Can't people just realize that their sexuality is, in fact, NOT something to be ashamed of? That it's the lying, deceptive, hate-filled propaganda that should fill them to the brim with shame?
And he represents 30 MILLION MEMBERS! Any of those folks learn anything about honesty, real-life, or finding their happy place? Me thinks not.
Interestingly, this link is an article about a book he wrote a year ago that pushes for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution negating any chance of gay marriage...but in between his gay bashing, if you read closely, you'll see that he talks about having an "open mind" in a secular society. Yeah. Open and out, Bucky.
This link to his boyfriend's web site is far funnier. Hey, if you're gonna drown in hypocrisy and self-loathing, might as well go for the gusto, Haggard! Props for the buff choice.
Perhaps Ted and Mark Foley can take a quiet vacation together and decompress from all of the pesky media attention they've received lately. There are a few priests in the New England area that might even join them. If they promise to be good little boys.
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