
In the ever-growing sea of forgettable, vanilla mommy bloggers, I try to maintain my individuality by avoiding the cliche posts as much as possible---"Today my 4-year-old said the most PRECIOUS thing!" stories are about as interesting to anyone not related to that tot as C-SPAN.
Actually, that crap gets old quick even for close family members.
But on occasion, you'll see I do wax poetic-ish about the frustrations and hilarity that come with parenting. It's inevitable, as my kids are by far the most important and enjoyable part of my life.
There are some great web sites and blogs out there that have a sense of humor about it all. I especially like The Imperfect Parent and Hip Mama. They understand that it's perfectly normal for a mom to spend as much time worrying about global warming and spelling as you do searching for the perfect pair of black boots.
My friend Bashi has captured some of the very best mommy thoughts in a collection of hip, funny, clever t-shirts that really make me glad I procreated. Check out Moms Rock On and buy some for your favorite mama today.
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