Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Who's That Girl

Someone, somewhere should write a book and title it, "Why Women Cease Maturing after The Eighth Grade". Sort of like the "Queen Bees and Wannabees" thing that helped Tina Fey and the whole Mean Girls screenplay concepting.

But this book would describe in far greater detail the physical and emotional process that simply cuts off and stagnates in females, thus creating a society filled with vapid, superficial, fickle women who still don't get that it's not nice to make other chicks feel bad.

Okay, on re-read perhaps that rant was a tad harsh.

I do of course know many, many wonderful, deep-thinking, complex, caring women. I am even lucky enough to call a great group of them my friends.

But daaanng, people. Come ON already. Can we be grown-ups now? Is it time? What about citing, say, 35 as a good year to develop some character? That's plenty, huh?

I realize this is extremely politically incorrect, given that I am WP (without penis). Typically men bashing is far more acceptable than breaking up the inherent "us against them" sisterhood by daring to challenge another double X chromo-type. And trust me, I'll get to the men bashing at some point. The web is only so big.

It's just that I am not quite sure I can withstand one, single, solitary more gossipy, snotty, clique-ish experience without hauling off and laying out one of these bee-atches with a healthy uppercut.

Keep in mind that I am coming at this from a pretty "accepted" and "included" place. I gots me some peeps.

But that doesn't preclude me from taking offense on behalf of those that don't have the ability or personality to push back when they're being snubbed, gossiped about or otherwise socially circumvented in some way.

Stop the insanity, ladies. Check your moral and emotional fortitude. Grow a pair. Etc.

Don't be that girl.


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