She's Crafty

One of the hardest things to do when you're the parent of small children is determine which pieces in the sea of ever-growing artwork you will preserve for all eternity.
This is no small task. It occurs daily, and grows exponentially with each passing year. Having three little Picassos in one house means I have LOTS of conversations with myself about what stays and what goes.
For the most part, it's a process of elimination system. If it looks in any way unique, of higher- than-yesterday's-version quality, or includes extras like buttons or feathers, I usually keep it.
But....therein lies the next hurdle. Keep it WHERE? Keep it HOW? And do I have the ability/memory/time to identify which little person it came from? Do I bother to find a pen to add a date?
Typically, no. Typically, it's a toss into the pile of "I'll get these organized later" counterparts that simply gets bigger and bigger and bigger. Typically, then the whole kitandkaboodle gets put into a large blue bin. Where it sits unmarked/unidentified/undated.
Happily, my brilliant (with an English accent) friend Suzy has come up with the perfect solution to this problem. Got kids? You. Must. Buy. This. Stuff.
Seriously, it's Pottery Barn cute and all you do is tuck in the pictures. There are no goofy, scrapbooky parts to suffer through. I can't wait to fill mine in.
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