Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Let It Be

Realization: I'm an affirmation whore. I'm old enough to recognize the same behavior in my children now, so it's time to put an end to the madness.

I think most women are guilty of it to some degree, but it's a little embarrassing in my case.
Whipped cream on my latte'? "No, thanks, I'm sticking to the nonfat!"

(Blank stare from Starbucks associate.)

What, did I think he was going to give me friggin' high-fives and offer congratulations?

I would say I'm a blog comment whore, but so few of you write to me I'd be a really, really bad whore if it were true. Yet it's clearly an attempt at the affirmation thing even being out here.

There's the over-the-top complimenting others aspect--which is absolutely genuine, by the way, but also an indication of the disease (they MUST like hearing how nice their hair looks, because doesn't everyone?).

When the kids do it, I'm mellow about it. I mean, it's okay for a 6-year-old to constantly ask if they're behaving well. And are funny. And dance beautifully....okay, again, I think I'm modeling bad behavior on this one.

So I'm going to try to stop. I can affirm myself all over the place, thank you very much. I don't need someone else to do it for me. (That's strong of me to say, huh? Pretty self-assured chicky, aren't I?)

It's a work in progress.


Blogger Mike said...

Funny, I was just thinking the same thing recently about my blog. Of course, I don't know why I'm surprised that we had the same thought about something.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Currin Girl said...

Just keep going. It takes time. I totally know what you mean, too.

The first time I got a comment, I did a little dance while my husband looked on. Then he admitted that he was jealous because a post from a stranger could make me so happy, while I stared blankly whenever he told me enjoyed reading my blog.

But, it's just not the same, is it?

4:01 AM  

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