Where the Streets Have No Name

This weekend I enjoyed both a belated Passover seder and a very cool Easter egg hunt. My poor kids don't know how God really fits into all of this, but the importance of traditions and family time is shining through at least.
For time spent otherwise, I went to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore--something I haven't done in a long time. It was different, but the same. A lot of new development but plenty of familiar stand-bys. The most amazing part was the girls of Bawlmore still partyin' with their too-tight jeans and over-curled hair like it was 1999. Actually, like it was 1989 (no need to break out the pictures of me from that era, friends).
In any case, driving around there drove home the point once again that Motown is lacking in some very serious ways. The streets here are like navigating a mine field and tear up the cars faster than they can build them--which isn't very fast. (Aack! I will most certainly be whacked in my sleep for writing that. Big Brother Union, don't read this, please.) The weather sucks. And the city's gems are surrounded by decidedly NON-gems, so it's another obstacle course getting into town just to enjoy them.
The good news is that spring has finally sprung. I mean, come on people....is it really possible to be cold, rainy, gray and miserable and not be in the middle of the arctic? Apparently.
But I'm such a badass I'm going so far as to put away my sweaters and coats. In your face, Michigan weather. I dare you to hit me one more time.
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