Monday, March 05, 2007

You Oughta Know

There's a blog challenge going around on the Internet for all of us online types to list "5 Things You Don't Know About Me."

Given my audience, I think there are very few things the 3 or 4 of you who read this don't already know. Plus I'm pretty much an open book to anyone new I meet.

So I'll have to try to dig really deep on this one.

1. I like to watch repeats of Friends and Sex and the City whenever I happen upon them. Doesn't matter what time of day it is, or how many times I've seen the episode (approximately 7,200 for every one of each show). I am compelled to watch. And laugh.

2. I throw up (sometimes violently) if I drink more than 2 glasses of white wine. You all know that I throw up when I drink too much anyway, but the white wine aversion seems to be a recent development.

3. I haven't eaten a hamburger in probably a year, or a steak in 10 years. But I'll scarf down a Taco Bell double-decker taco in a nanosecond. Mmmm.

4. I've been told that I look like 2 very different celebrities (using that word might be a stretch) over the past couple of years---a soap opera star and a porn star--and could see the resemblance to both when I checked it out. I can't remember the name of either one, but it's still funny.

5. I couldn't swallow a pill until I was 15 or 16 years old. Just couldn't do it. I know...this says a lot about my relationship with my high school boyfriend. But at 16 I figured it out. :-)

Okay, if you're reading this you're supposed to tag back with your 5 things. Bring it on.

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