Monday, February 18, 2008

You Are My Sunshine

Going on vacation with children is an ongoing reminder that, as a mother, you serve many purposes. Shall I name a few?

* coat hanger

* backpack holder

* hand holder

* lift-me-upper

* last bite of my favorite meal giver-upper

* walk to the bathroom with me in the middle of the night pal

* person to wake up to tell you had a bad dream

* person to wake up to tell you can't sleep

* person to wake up to tell you have to blow your nose

* person to wake up to tell you're hot

* person to wake up to tell you're cold

* audience to "watch this, no me first, no watch again"

* ear lender to endless recitations of (High School Musical song, knock-knock joke heard fifty-six times, made up lyrics song, etc.)

* children's menu tic tac toe partner

* children's menu hangman partner

* food cutter-upper

* back scratcher

* water bottle, sweatshirt, extra tissues, sunglasses and hair accessories holder

Hey, at least I'm needed.

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Blogger Mike said...

The next time I’m feeling sad that I don't have any kids yet, I’ll just read this and go back to enjoying the fact that I don’t have a single demand on my free time. Or just simply that I have free time. :)

5:48 AM  

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